Easy Street

Monday, December 17, 2012

Easy Street Part 4

Part 4 finished and trimmed to size. Green is all cut and ready for part 5.  I can't imagine how this will finally come together, but I am sure Bonnie has some awesome design in store for us.
This is Cheyenne my pretty little Granddaughter, she is my constant helper, saying she wants to "make too".  So I give her scraps which she ties on the dogs and decorates them, then she has a small pair of saftey scissors that she is learning to cut with., and yes she has already cut her hair..I am teaching her early to sew!! She will be 4 in March.


  1. Your colours look lovely!
    It's great that you are teaching your granddaughter to sew. We need to pass these skills on, and sometimes it seems the second generation are more receptive than the first.

  2. What happy memories you're creating with your Granddaughter! I know I have great memories of both of mine and the things I learned from them. Good for you.

  3. Your geese seem to be flying in circles but they sure look nice and so does Cheyenne! Seems like all little girls just have to cut their hair. I know my daughter did that! Happy Sewing and teaching!
